NAME WWW::TWikiClient - WWW::Mechanize-based client to access a TWiki. ABOUT This class is derived from WWW::Mechanize for easy remote controlling a TWiki based website. It was originally developed to migrate from a VQWiki to TWiki. After it lived some time under the Acme::PM::Dresden namespace I made it an extra distribution because it seems to be useful for others. It was originally developed during the same time when WWW:Mechanize::TWiki appeared. I watched that other module for some time but WWW::TWikiClient follows a more explicit implementation approach that worked better for me. There are many TWikis with many different skins out there. TWikiClient tries to work quite generically. I mostly developed it with TWikis version 01Sep2004 (Cairo release) using the PatternSkin but I also did some tests against some other skins and twiki versions: * Beijing release (01Feb2003) * default skin (with only preview button in topic edit) * Cairo release (01Sep2004) * default skin (with several buttons in topic edit) * BlueSkin (the old version, probably 0.4) * PatternSkin * Dakar release 4.0.2 * Reported to run, not tested by myself AUTHOR Steffen Schwigon <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2006. Steffen Schwigon All rights reserved. You can redistribute and/or modify this bundle under the same terms as Perl itself.