NAME Catalyst::Controller::CGIBin - Serve CGIs from root/cgi-bin SYNOPSIS In your controller: package MyApp::Controller::Foo; use parent qw/Catalyst::Controller::CGIBin/; In your .conf: <Controller::Foo> cgi_root_path cgi-bin cgi_dir cgi-bin cgi_chain_root /optional/private/path/to/Chained/root cgi_file_pattern *.cgi # or regex cgi_file_pattern /\.pl\z/ <CGI> username_field username # used for REMOTE_USER env var pass_env PERL5LIB pass_env PATH pass_env /^MYAPP_/ </CGI> </Controller::Foo> DESCRIPTION Dispatches to CGI files in root/cgi-bin for /cgi-bin/ paths. Unlike ModPerl::Registry this module does _NOT_ stat and recompile the CGI for every invocation. This may be supported in the future if there's interest. CGI paths are converted into action names using "cgi_action". Inherits from Catalyst::Controller::WrapCGI, see the documentation for that module for other configuration information. CONFIG PARAMS cgi_root_path The global URI path prefix for CGIs, defaults to "cgi-bin". cgi_chain_root By default Path actions are created for CGIs, but if you specify this option, the actions will be created as Chained end-points, chaining off the specified private path. If this option is used, the "cgi_root_path" option is ignored. The root path will be determined by your chain. The PathPart of the action will be the path to the CGI file. cgi_dir Path from which to read CGI files. Can be relative to "$MYAPP_HOME/root" or absolute. Defaults to "$MYAPP_HOME/root/cgi-bin". cgi_file_pattern By default all files in "cgi_dir" will be loaded as CGIs, however, with this option you can specify either a glob or a regex to match the names of files you want to be loaded. Can be an array of globs/regexes as well. METHODS cgi_action "$self->cgi_action($cgi)" Takes a path to a CGI from "root/cgi-bin" such as "foo/bar.cgi" and returns the action name it is registered as. cgi_path "$self->cgi_path($cgi)" Takes a path to a CGI from "root/cgi-bin" such as "foo/bar.cgi" and returns the public path it should be registered under. The default is to prefix with "$cgi_root_path/", using the "cgi_root_path" config setting, above. is_perl_cgi "$self->is_perl_cgi($path)" Tries to figure out whether the CGI is Perl or not. If it's Perl, it will be inlined into a sub instead of being forked off, see "wrap_perl_cgi". wrap_perl_cgi "$self->wrap_perl_cgi($path, $action_name)" Takes the path to a Perl CGI and returns a coderef suitable for passing to cgi_to_response (from Catalyst::Controller::WrapCGI) using CGI::Compile. $action_name is the generated name for the action representing the CGI file from "cgi_action". This is similar to how ModPerl::Registry works, but will only work for well-written CGIs. Otherwise, you may have to override this method to do something more involved (see ModPerl::PerlRun.) Scripts with "__DATA__" sections now work too, as well as scripts that call "exit()". wrap_nonperl_cgi "$self->wrap_nonperl_cgi($path, $action_name)" Takes the path to a non-Perl CGI and returns a coderef for executing it. $action_name is the generated name for the action representing the CGI file. By default returns something like: sub { system $path } SEE ALSO Catalyst::Controller::WrapCGI, CatalystX::GlobalContext, Catalyst::Controller, CGI, CGI::Compile, Catalyst BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-catalyst-controller-wrapcgi at", or through the web interface at < CGI>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT More information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker < I> * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> * CPAN Ratings <> * Search CPAN <> AUTHOR See "AUTHOR" in Catalyst::Controller::WrapCGI and "CONTRIBUTORS" in Catalyst::Controller::WrapCGI. COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright (c) 2008-2009 "AUTHOR" in Catalyst::Controller::WrapCGI and "CONTRIBUTORS" in Catalyst::Controller::WrapCGI. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.